Font Categories
Icon Categories
Manics - The Holy Bible by Michael DennettPersonal use
Manics - The Holy Bible
Font-Face CSS3 Manics - The Holy Bible Font
Below is the font-face css code for Manics - The Holy Bible font to add to your website's css file.

You may use our server to host the font file for free.
Dingbats > HumanManic Street Preachers - The Holy Bible.TTF is available to download for Windows & MAC OS X
Font Character Map
Related Fonts
Script > HandwrittenLEHN201.TTF
Sawtooth Regular
Fancy > Varioussawtooth.ttf
VTC-BadWhipitOnePersonal use
Fancy > DistortedVTC-BadWhipitOne.otf
Paramount ItalicPersonal use
Paramount Italic
Basic > Serifparamita.ttf
James Tan DinawanaoPersonal use
James Tan Dinawanao
Script > HandwrittenAkong_agi.ttf
SPACEWORMPersonal use
Bitmap > PixelatedSPACEWORM_erc_2006.ttf
Pixelit Regular
Bitmap > Pixelatedpixelit.ttf
KR Lotsa Time DingsPersonal use
KR Lotsa Time Dings
Dingbats > VariousKR Lotsa Time Dings.ttf