Font Categories
Icon Categories
Pistache Regular by CloutierFontesPersonal use
Pistache Regular
Font-Face CSS3 Pistache Regular Font
Below is the font-face css code for Pistache Regular font to add to your website's css file.

You may use our server to host the font file for free.
Fancy > ComicPistache-Regular.ttf is available to download for Windows & MAC OS X
Font Character Map
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Fancy > Cartoonfltinman.ttf
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Fancy > DistortedXaphan2s.ttf
CartoGothicStd-BookPersonal use
Basic > Sans SerifCartoGothicStd-Book.otf
AapexPersonal use
Basic > SerifAAPEX.ttf
Celtic NormalFreeware
Celtic Normal
Gothic > CelticCelti__r.ttf
PaddlefacePersonal use
Fancy > WesternPADDRG__.TTF
Linux Biolinum Slanted Bold
Basic > Sans SerifLinBiolinum_aBL.ttf