Font Categories
Icon Categories
strangferfixcsPersonal use
Font-Face CSS3 strangferfixcs Font
Below is the font-face css code for strangferfixcs font to add to your website's css file.

You may use our server to host the font file for free.
Fancy > Technostrangerfixcs.ttf is available to download for Windows & MAC OS X
Font Character Map
Related Fonts
Happy SerifPersonal use
Happy Serif
Fancy > GroovyHappy Serif.ttf
SeeStars Regular
Fancy > Groovyseestars.ttf
My Puma OutlinedPersonal use
My Puma Outlined
Fancy > Outlinedmypuouo.ttf
Grixel Acme 5 Wide Bold
Bitmap > PixelatedAcme 5 Wide Bold.ttf
Lamprey 3D RegularPersonal use
Lamprey 3D Regular
Fancy > Technolamprey3d.ttf
Dingbats > CartoonMASK____.ttf
Russel Write TT
Fancy > Old SchoolRussel Write TT.ttf